02 March 2010

I swear, if Sweetman knew how to and the meaning of using his middle finger, he totally woulda put that bad boy to work on me yesterday. The attitude he showed me when I asked him to put away his laundry?! Oh my! So, he's all cranky that he has to put away his laundry, and he shot me this look of total attitudinal irritation that was SO bad that I gave him a timeout for it. Upon walking to his timeout chair (located in the dining room right next to the kitchen door), he expressed his anger by chucking a pair of socks into the kitchen. I had to turn away so he wouldn't see me laughing. That "omg, I don't even know how to respond to that" kind of laughter. Total stubborn attitude. Can't imagine where he got himself that kind of personality trait, nuh-uh…

Today, the Bundlekin is four months old. Four months ago today, he ripped his way into the world, a nine pound ten ounce warrior baby. Somehow it is already a distant memory. Funny how the mind blocks things out. Not that I would change any of it for a second. Well…in all honesty, I might request s few less stitches? Anyways, it's all moot now, and all is well.

And I learned another food related fun fact today that I probably shoulda known long ago but did not. Coriander leaves = cilantro. Yes, it's true. And why the fuck is it not just called one or the other all of the time? Just to confuse people like me apparently. And, no, coriander seed is not the same as coriander leaves. And grocery stores do not carry coriander leaves. But they DO carry cilantro. Yes, yes they do. Anyways, I'm glad I know that now. It means I don't need to go a-hunting for coriander leaves for my pad thai recipe tonight because I, as a matter of fact, have some fresh cilantro in my refrigerator at this very moment, leftover from making salsa last night.

Lauren Graham is on Ellen right now. I love Lauren Graham. Really, I love Lorelai Gilmore, but my mind makes no real distinction between the two. She is giddy from lack of sleep on Ellen right now, I think, and Ellen is not amused by Lauren Graham stachetasticing her. Aw, sad tale. I hope this Parenthood show that she is in turns out to be half decent. Because, that's exactly what I need, another television program to waste my time watching rather than studying or cleaning my house. Surebetcha!

Speaking of house cleaning, I have come to the realization that sooner or later, Bundlekin is gonna start crawling, and when that time comes, I'm gonna have to buck up on the floor cleaning that I do. Or rather, do not do, as of the present time. We are gonna have to not have all these nice little crumbly bits that end up on the floor right now…bits of cheerios and nutrigrain bars and other things that Sweetman eats as he wanders the house because I am a bad parent and don't make him sit still to eat half the stuff he eats. BUT! We do sit down as a family and eat dinner together every single night! That is something that I insisted upon as soon as Sweetman was old enough to enjoy a meal with us, and something that I will continue to insist upon forever. There is nothing like sitting down to a meal together. And I derive a lot of pleasure seeing my family enjoy a meal that I created for them.

And one thing leads to another, and it is time for me to begin creating said meal for this evening's family dinner!

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