15 February 2010

Oh what a gloriously craptastic day.

Ok, so my day started out normally enough. Nothing so special, regular old morning. Woke up, ingested coffee, took Sweetman to school. Where things started going crappy was when I picked Sweetman up from school. So, out the rest of the kindergarteners come, and no Sweetman. Now, the logical part of me knows he's just inside and I just have to go inside and find out what's keeping him, but while I'm doing so, the panic is building in the pit of my stomach. Where is my kid? Why is he missing? So, once I'm in his classroom, I determine he's had a sub, and he told the sub he wasn't ready to go when it was time to get ready, and so she gave him a timeout, which, when it's the end of the school day like that pretty much functions like detention. Awesome. Detention in kindergarten. Supersweet. Great, there goes all the progress I thought we'd been making with more appropriate behaviour at school. Oh, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Next, we went grocery shopping. When I asked Sweetman to get me a bag for the carrots, off he went, and next thing I know, he's nowhere to be seen in the produce section. Enter déjà vu of Where is my kid panic. Sick stomach, again. After making sure he's not hiding out somewhere under a produce table or something, I head over to the aisles, and see him wandering back towards the produce section, carrot bag in hand. Apparently, somehow he'd missed all five feet ten inches of me standing in front of the carrots and wandered off looking for me. Lovely. However, disaster, and full blown panic averted.

Home we come, and for a few hours, blissful lack of drama. I made some super yummy fresh salsa to go with our burritos, and while we were enjoying said burritos, I notice that Nook (the lynx point Siamese cat that hates everyone but me, and tolerates Sweetman) is cleaning some odd wet marks on his fur. I enquire as to the origin of these marks to Sweetman, who explains that he sprayed him with "water from the tap" whilst in the basement unattended. Huh. Ok. I look again at the cat, but something just doesn't add up. So I ask again, get the same response. Unconvinced, I went and smelled the cat's wet spots, and smell the distinct odour of the Clorox Greenworks all purpose cleaner we'd purchased the previous day. Which comes complete with "call poison control if ingested" warnings. Fuuuuuuck. So, I grab the cat and haul him off to the bathroom, knowing full well what follows is going to qualify under the category of UNfun. UNfun activity, check. Ever tried giving an already ornery cat a bath? Yeah, have fun with that. Amazingly, I ended the job with only one war wound on the heel of my hand. It's now covered with ever so cool Transformers and batman bandaids.

Next step: discipline. I have to say, I was SO PISSED. Partially because the kid lied so blatantly to my face, and partially because I was pretty worried about the potential effects of the chemicals on the cat. Feeling that anger, I did the best thing I could think of at the time and put Sweetman to bed. That way I wouldn't yell or scream or scare him more than I did in the process of putting him to bed and telling him that the chemicals could poison and kill the cat. The whole situation just completely frayed my last nerve. And of course, this is all taking place while the chuncho is enjoying himself in Las Vegas, to add insult to injury.

Oh. And! During it all, Bundlekin is screaming. Skuh-REAM-ing. Because, of course, while I am bathing the cat and putting the cat whisperer to bed, he is wallowing in a diaper full of his own excrement. Awesome parenting going on here, I tell ya. Luckily, babies are very forgiving, and with a clean diaper, he was all smiles again.

And the last part of my day falls under too much information, but it just wraps the whole day up in a nice little package. So, for the past couple of days, my left nipple has been bothering me a bit. It doesn't hurt to breastfeed, per se, but there's definitely something been going on that's not quite right. I figured that maybe Bundlekin just got a little too aggressive during a feed or something. Anyways, so, in an attempt to soothe some frayed nerves this evening, I had a bath. During the bath, I investigated the nipple situation further. I noticed that there was no milk coming out of one of the ducts around the tender area, and that the area also felt kind of hard. The whole inspection process was kind of difficult with the rest of the ducts spraying me in the face in the meantime. Not to be easily deterred, I continued to try to isolate the problem, and eventually, I was able to push a half centimetre of hard yellow exudate out of the duct, followed by a small amount of blood, and then, joy of joys, milk! Problem solved! And luckily, I caught it before it turned into full blown mastitis.

That, in a very large nutshell, was my day. Needless to say, I am good and ready for a better tomorrow. Pretty please and thank you.

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